Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Ugh, I just can't get in the mood to do any school work. I have lots of things due or exams to study for, but I just don't want to do it, and I'm not normally like this. It's probably because 2/3 of my classes don't interest me and the other class is all online, so it makes slacking off easy. I have an exam tomorrow, it's online and I can use any information I want, but I've only looked at 1/7 chapters :P I have 3 hours to look at them tomorrow, then I go to work, then I'm going to come home and take the exam. I have about 2.5 hours between my AM class and when I have to leave for work, but I don't want to rush through it. It'll be less stressful if I can take my time at night with it.

Work was good tonight. It was slow, so I didn't have to stay for my on call. I ate my dinner there, a healthy choice frozen meal and a banana with a bottle of water. I'm so used to eating a meal at work and then eating another dinner when I get home that it feels odd not to eat when I get home. I told myself that I wouldn't eat anything after dinner anymore, and I've been able to do that for the last week. I'll usually have some tea or lots of water, but that's it. It's almost easier not to eat than to eat something... I feel like if I eat something it's really not going to last me very long and I'll be hungry in an hour anyway, so why take in the calories. I'll feel bad about it anyway and night time is when I usually go crazy. I'll sit down with a sleeve of saltine crackers and vow to only eat a few. I'll look down 10 minutes later and only have 5 damn crackers left, so I finish off the sleeve. One of those sleeves of crackers is around 450 calories! That's more than I eat in a meal now! So if night time is when I screw up my day, I just won't eat then :)

I am going to a wedding on Saturday. I chose chicken for my meal, so hopefully it's not drenched in white sauce or butter or something. I'll make sure to eat all my meat, only half of my starch and all of my veggies... and only one glass of wine (even though they are having a wine tasting bar and 4 different types of champagne... *drool*). It's going to be really fancy! Plus I get to see a few of the people I used to work with, and that's always fun. Poor Daniel, at least I have a friend who is bringing her boyfriend, so he'll have some male company.

Speaking of Daniel, ugh... what an ass. I was laying on the couch on my stomach playing on my phone and one of my cats jumped up and layed down on my back, and I was like, "awwww, is there a kitty on my back?" And Daniel says, "Well yeah, they so like to sleep on soft things." >:S I almost killed him. Oh well, it only makes me want to look better than him that much more.

I'm freaking out right now because something in the office smells like burning plastic. We have a zillion computers in here, so it's probably just them, but it freaks me out! Last time I smelled something like that a lid from my plastic ziplock container had fallen down in the dishwasher and was melting to the heat source. Smoke was pouring out of the thing. I don't see any smoke and the cats are acting normal, so it's probably nothing, but now I have to go to bed worried I'll be woken up by the damn smoke alarm... ugh. I have class in the morning too, anatomy lab with my horrible lab partners. This is the last time in a month I actually have to work with them though. Next Tues is fall break so no class, the next week is a review week, so they won't show up and the week after that is an exam, so it'll be a while, woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Can you update your blog please lady??? I've been waiting =P

