Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 2

You never really notice how often food comes into your life until you are trying to ignore it. It's everywhere, especially places you don't think it should be, like at work. Someone brought in donuts tonight... they were maple glaze donuts, and if that wasn't bad enough, THEY HAD BACON ON THEM! WTF... thank god for the bacon, or I would have wanted one... maple glaze is my favorite. Who thought up that brilliant idea? Hmmm, I'm going to combine flour, sugar and butter into a delicious treat, but it doesn't seem unhealthy enough, sooooo, I think I'll add some bacon. I love bacon and donuts, but not together.

I've done good today, cream of wheat for breakfast again, then tuna salad on lettuce for lunch, 2 cups of coffee with coffee mate creamer (peppermint mocha, my fav), a banana for a snack and I have some whole grain pasta and veggie soup waiting for me in the microwave right now. I'm going to have to add some saltine crackers to it, I just have to with soup. The whole can only has 180 calories though, so I can afford some crackers. People say cut white things out of your diet, but I LOVE carbs! I'll have to do that slowly or my body may freak out. I am down 2 pounds since yesterday... the first 10 are always easy, it's after that when it gets hard. Daniel said he was going to eat healthy with me, but when I got home from work 20 mins ago, I looked to see if there was dinner, and it appears as though he made a whole box of Velveeta mac and cheese and ate the whole thing, because there are no leftovers in the fridge. At least he had a salad for lunch today... but it was probably drenched in ranch dressing :P

Work was good. There was a point in my night when I was so hungry I started to feel nauseated, lol. Oops! I was scheduled 2-7pm and was on-call until 9pm, but they let me leave at 7pm because we were dead. You get scheduled a shift and maybe have an hour or two at the end of your shift that they may keep you for if the store is busy (an on-call shift). Lately they've been keeping on-call's because we have been slammed, but this week is killing us!

I had anatomy lab this morning... I have celebrities in my class! There is a GIRL who looks like sheriff Bellefleur from TrueBlood in my class, and right beside her is a girl who looks like Vienna from The Bachelor/Bachelor Pad, lol. They both look like idiots. I have microbiology lab and lecture tomorrow, and I'm off work for the next two days, yay! I should probably study something tomorrow afternoon too, or work on my paper. I'm going to eat my dinner now and watch some TV. Night :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Jill! Working at a diet is always so tough in the beginning, but I'm sure it will get easier. I know people say to cut carbs out but I think if you do 100%, the second you start eating them again you start gaining again, so your supposed to leave some in.

    Love that you have a blog now! :)
