Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Getting Over The Hump

I'm sitting here, drinking my chi tea, catching up on Revenge (my sister forced me to start watching it), and I'm not hungry for a change. It's probably because I made a very yummy, and healthy, chicken tortilla soup for dinner and had 2 huge bowls! I calculated that each bowl was only slightly over 200 calories each, and since I'd only eaten about 600 calories that day, I could have two and skip the midnight hunger pains. Tea with Splenda helps too. My sister Brooke came over for dinner and after was rummaging through our pantry and freezing asking if we had any ice cream or chocolate... nope. Well, Daniel had some cookies he packs for lunch that he gave her. Better to get them out of the house. But those aren't my weaknesses, it's carbs, fat and cheese. My favorite midnight snack is 16 saltine crackers with about a cup of melted shredded cheddar cheese on top with garlic powder, more salt and Italian spice... Mmmm... tastes like garlic bread! Here is an example of an average day of what I eat when not watching my calories: Breakfast- a bagel with butter, or 5 mini donuts with an iced coffee from Starbucks (with sugar and cream of course), lunch would probably be a box of Kraft dinner or a box of Pasta Roni and some kind of sweet, like chocolate or ice cream. Popcorn for a snack, but not the light kind, the movie theatre butter one. If no one is around, I will usually rip open the bag and lick the yummy butter off the bag (gross, right). For dinner it's usually a piece of meat, with mashed potatoes or some other starch taking up half my plate, and the vegetable is usually corn, but sometimes broccoli. For a night snack, it's usually chips, or toast and butter or my saltine concoction.

Today I did much better than that. I had 2 packs of cream of wheat for breakfast (it's my favorite thing ever!) with Splenda brown sugar. Lunch was a big salad with a whole tomato, some onion and about 1/4 cup of low fat Italian cheese blend. The dressing I sort of made up. I took 2 tbsp of Kraft's Light caesar dressing, cut it with the same amount of 1% milk, added about 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar and shook it up in a jar... the milk makes the dressing thinner so it coats the lettuce better and the vinegar adds a little pep and sort of masks the light taste of the dressing.

I haven't decided how often I should weigh myself. Some people say not to do it every day because your weight can fluctuate by a few pounds based on your hormones and cycle and other factors. Waiting and doing it once a week sucks though! I want to see progress to keep me going... but if that progress doesn't happen fast, looking every day may cause me to slip up. Maybe twice a week?

My microbiology professor moved our exam! It was supposed to be next Wed, but because we are a chapter behind and he couldn't push it back just one class (to Friday) because we have our lab exam that day, it goes back a whole week! It's great because now instead of 3 exams next week, I only have 2 *phew*! I'm off work and school tomorrow, woo hoo! The house is clean, so I don't have to do any of that, but I have LOTS of school work to catch up on. I've been slacking and need to catch up in a major way. Well, I'm going to make another cup of tea, finish this episode of Revenge and then watch the Wed night line-up (Suburgatory, Modern Family and Happy Endings), woo hoo! Night :)

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