Friday, October 14, 2011

I Hate Microbiology!

Ugh, I just got out of my microbiology practical exam and it was rough. I knew I wasn't going to do well, so it's not like it was a surprise or anything. I'm still on track with my diet. I think my body is in shock and stopped losing weight because I wasn't eating enough. That tends to happen and they say that all the time on the Biggest Loser if someone stops losing. I'm not going wild or anything, but just adding a few hundred calories more a day. Usually one more snack or something.

It was my and Daniel's anniversary on Wednesday and we went out for dinner to this amazing Indian restaurant. I've never had Indian food before and never tried curry, so I was a little worried I would hate it but I LOVED it!!! It was so good, I'm going to have to go there again for sure. Daniel even liked it, well, he liked what he got, he found out he hates curry. He said he, "Hates anything that has warm yogurt in it." Ok, whatever, more for me :) We don't really do presents, but Daniel got me a champagne glass set and a huge bottle of champagne for us to share. We killed the whole bottle... I love champagne :)

Yesterday I was supposed to go to work from 10-5, but I called off. They tried to get me to call someone to replace my shift, but then they saw anyone who was able to replace my shift was already working, so they just moaned and groaned and I put on my best fake sick voice. It was easy since I was still lying in bed half asleep. I had to study! I did study for this stupid exam, and I'll be happy if I can break 70% on it! Blah! I have an exam in the lecture class Wednesday and a Paper due Friday, which I haven't even started on. I think I'll be OK for it now though, studying for the lab practical made me understand more about what I have to write. I have to sit through lecture now and pretend to listen. I have my computer, so I'll probably just study for the exam. I have to work today 3-9, but I'm on the makeup side, so that should make it go faster. When I'm working skincare it goes so slowww... Then I'm off this weekend! I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. You know you're starting to get old when you are going to a wedding as a friend of the brides MOM! Hahahaha... it's a former co-worker from Dillard's. It should be fun, and fancy, I'm excited. I don't really have anything good to wear though. It's supposed to be really nice, 63 and mostly sunny. I'll probably dig out my old go to wedding dress that I wore to 2 weddings 3 years ago. I got my period this morning, so that sucks... I hope I don't have cramps tomorrow. They're so much better now because I'm back on the pill though.

I better get off to class.

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