Saturday, December 17, 2011

Exams over, stress still not gone...

So Craig is living with us now. Ugh. The thing that bothered me the most though was that Daniel made the decision with his whole family without asking what I thought. I was soooo pissed! He told me on the way to the grocery store and I just lost it in the parking lot when we got there. I don't want to re-live the whole thing, but I let him have it good. It actually hasn't been that bad... considering he's an 18 year old boy. The biggest complaint I have really is that he forgets to lock the back door all the time. I know, it could be much worse, so if that's all I have to complain about, it's not too bad. He's fun to talk to and has interesting stories and we get along just fine. It's just the thought of "how long will he be here" that drives me nuts. I have to plan EVERYTHING I do, so to not know what's going on drives me nuts. He's pretty good about doing the dishes though, and taking out the trash, so that's a plus, haha.

I'm supposed to be going to Daniel's family Christmas party, but I just don't want to go. I worked 6pm-10pm today and I'm tired and don't want to deal with his whole family really. It's just a big drunk mess anyway. I haven't texted him, I'm just going to pretend I forgot or something. His family is fucking huge! I can never remember everyone's name, and there's always new boyfriend/girlfriends around to get to know. They all live around here too. I really hope Daniel watches his alcohol intake too... he needs to be setting a good example for Craig. Craig's been going to AA meetings and his outpatient treatment every day. Outpatient is Mon, Wed, Thurs and he goes to AA the other 4 days. He's fun to mess with... he loves when I make jokes about hepatitis C, and they're awful! Any other person would take a huge offense to them, but I know I can do that with him. He told this story, he said he went to a party and was on the toilet and passed out, when he woke up he was face down on the bathroom floor, and right next to him was a used tampon! He got up but was dizzy, lost his balance and stepped right on it... I cut him off and said, "be careful, that's how you get hep C." He lost it! He was laughing his ass off. He told us that because he needed money for his drugs but didn't have a job that he started pimping girls! I was shocked! I said not to put that shit on your resume and he almost died laughing. That stuff is funny... I have a good one next time he starts talking about girls, I just have to get the right timing on it and make sure Daniel is there to hear it too... he'll enjoy it. I'm going to tell him if he's going to sleep with someone to make sure he wraps up his hep C injector. I'm sure he'll crack up at that one.

Exams are over!!! I got an A and two B's so far... just waiting on the grades for the microbiology exam I took yesterday. He said he'd have the grades up by yesterday or today, but knowing him it'll take a lot longer. He says he'll have stuff done and it always takes him twice as long. It's a big class and he has lots to calculate out, so it's not a biggy. Grades are due by Tues morning, so I know I'll have them by then. 

Well, I think I've killed enough time on here... time to text Daniel and tell him I just got home from work and I'm too tired to come over. I'm going to see his immediate family around Christmas anyway, so that's the important thing to go to.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

My fucked up week...

Oh man, a lot of shit has happened! Ok, so it all started last Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. I went over to my parents house for the day because I was off work and school and because I wasn't going to see them on Thanksgiving day. I'm totally sick of going to multiple houses for holidays, so we decided to just do one family and since we were seeing my parents on Christmas eve and morning, I thought it would be best to be with his family for the holiday before. Ugh, we can't even just have everyone over to our place because his family is split up and can't be all together, so we'd still have to do two of anything... total pain in the ass. So anyway, I was going to leave my parents house to get home and make dinner for Daniel since he was at work and they asked if we wanted to stay, so I said sure and sent Daniel a text asking if he wanted to come over. He said sure, but he was going to go visit Craig first because he was in the hospital. Craig is our nephew, he's 18 years old. I asked him what happened and he told me he would tell me later. So he showed up around 8:30pm after we had already eaten and he wasn't hungry so we just hung out for a bit. Daniel told us all that Craig had gone into the hospital that day because he got a really bad infection in his arm and it was really swollen and he had a fever and it had become septic (bacteria in the blood). He wasn't doing so well, and it sucked because he was going to be there for the next few days and was going to miss Thanksgiving dinner.

So we leave my parents house around 10 and when we get home I get the real story. Turns out Craig got the infection from a dirty needle and has been doing heroin for the past few months!!! I knew the kid was a pot head, but didn't even dream he would do something like that. They had to run a bunch of tests and were going to keep him for about 10 days in the hospital while he got better and went through detox.

We went to Daniel's sister Amy's house for Thanksgiving dinner. She just moved in with her new boyfriend after a month of dating. She had broken up with her fiance of 7 years a month before that... she definitely works quick. We went to her town, which isn't the best neighborhood, but the houses were cute. Holy crap, all the houses were cute except for theirs. I felt like I was going to crash through their front porch or get a splinter if I touched anything... the place was an absolute DUMP! It's one of those houses that would have been sooooo cute if it was fixed up, but it was a complete wreck. Amy's other two kids were there, plus their two huge dogs in a tiny ass house. It was madness. As soon as I get in Erik, the little one who's 7 and obsessed with me screams and runs over and jumps on me. He's so cute, but he basically only wants to talk to me and pull me away from talking with everyone... it can be a bit annoying. So he's on me like a monkey and I say, "Oh, hey! Where's all your hair?!" It was buzzed off, and a lot shorter than he normally has it. He's like, "I had lice!" As he's rubbing and crawling all over me. Doesn't surprise me in the state that house was in, yikes! So we ate and hung around and the food was good... nothing special, all from boxes and cans, blah. They get a call from Craig saying he wants some leftovers, but then calls back about an hour later saying he's not hungry, he's been throwing up all day and he only wants some ginger ale, but he doesn't want everyone to come up, he just wants one person to bring it to him and then leave. So they're trying to decide who should go and the other brother Gabe wants to see him, but he wants to go tomorrow... after lots of arguing, I'm not really sure how it happened, but Daniel offered to let Gabe stay the night with us and we would go to the hospital that night, bring the ginger ale and then everyone would go see him tomorrow. I can't remember the logic as to why Gabe stayed with us, but whatever. No one bothers to ask my opinion. Gabe is a nice kid, he's 14 so I had no problem with him staying over for a night. Man, it sure is a pain in the ass to find somewhere to buy ginger ale on Thanksgiving night! It took us 4 places before we finally found somewhere open that actually carried it!

The next day I come home from work and Daniel tells me that Craig has hepatitis C from sharing needles with people. He's doing better, but not 100% yet. He's decided to go to rehab and is really excited about it and wants to get clean, so good for him. The next day I come home from work, Saturday night, and Gabe is there again. UGH! So I just went into my room and watched Netflix on my phone and went to sleep. I was so excited to come home the following day to a house all my own, I was off for most of the week so I could start studying for my 7 finals I have in the two weeks coming up... So I get home, go up the stairs and there is Craig on the couch. I was so shocked, I was just speechless. He was supposed to be in the hospital for another week! They let him out because his arm was healing and he had detoxed. So I go find Daniel who tells me that he's going to stay with us until he can get into rehab on Tuesday. I'm so happy that he cleared all this with me first... not ever a text message to give me a heads up or anything. But what can I really do. He had a meeting with his sponsor and was going to an AA meeting that night with the guy to decide about treatment and rehab and everything. So he leaves for about 2 hours and Daniel and I went grocery shopping. The reason he was staying with us is because Amy has some medications that he shouldn't be around and he has friends in the area who he doesn't want to deal with. He comes home from the meeting and says that his sponsor thinks it's best if he calls the next day to get into a rehab program and gives him a number of a place about an hour away. He's totally pumped about it and excited to go.

He calls the next day (Monday) and they ask him what he's been doing, has he detoxed, blah blah blah... turns out because he has already detoxed, they can't directly admit him and he has to do an assessment at the hospital to see if he needs rehab or just an outpatient thing and that the assessment will be in a week... A WEEK?!?! Amy came over in the afternoon, she wasn't concerned about the wait, Daniel's mom came over, and I thought for sure that she was going to be pissed about the wait... but she wasn't. We all thought his sponsor was going to flip out, but he said he had to do the same thing. Umm, hello?! I think I was the only person concerned here... if he can be off drugs for 2 weeks by the time they give him the assessment, I'm pretty sure they aren't going to admit him. So now, with Daniel not there, Amy and the mom are deciding where he should go and what Craig should do for the next week. Nice... I'm all ganged up on, and it's perfect in their eyes... for the next week, I only work one day, so I'm around all the time. How lucky... FUCK THAT SHIT!!! AHHHHH!!! I am in the most stressful period of school right now and I have to play babysitter!? They didn't want him staying alone, and since I had classes some of the days, Daniel's dad took him in the afternoon (he's retired so around all day), and he came back for dinner and to spend the night.

Now I know this is family and it's great that Daniel wants to help, but I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that no one ever asked me if I was ok with it... it was just assumed. I wasn't even given warnings or a heads up about anything. And now the thing that I'm worried about is that after his assessment on Monday, then what? I asked Daniel that last night and he got all mean about it and was like, "Sorry I'm trying to be helpful." We are helpful, but after a week, come on... he needs to go home. I told him that I feel like I don't have any control in my house. He said it would be the same if my sister lived with us (we had discussed her moving in next year since we have a huge basement she could live in), but it wouldn't because she would have her own space in the basement another bathroom and another TV. Seriously, if he plays video games another day for 8 hours straight on our only TV, I'm going to break the game in half.

We got into another huge fight today. They left to go to a funeral this morning, so I got up ate, watched a TV show and then started cleaning the bathroom. Daniel gets home with Craig and I immediately hear him start to bitch that the kitchen is still dirty. Umm, I'm in the bathroom cleaning, it's not like I'm doing nothing. So he's bitching and moaning and cleaning out the fridge and I come in and ask him what's up and he's ignoring me, so I keep saying what? what? what? And he just turned into a little bitch, "I clean, and contrary to what you may think, I don't like cleaning, and this is the 5th time I've cleaned the kitchen this week..." blah blah blah. So I ask what he wants me to do, he starts rattling off what needs to be done. Looks like I'm not studying much this afternoon. So I start walking to the bedroom because that seems like a great place to disappear to and clean and on the way I just snapped. I slammed the door so hard I though it was going to break. He yells not to slam shit and I just scream at the top of my lungs, "FUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!" That might actually be a great plan, make Craig feel uncomfortable so he wants to leave.... hmmmm. I sat on the bed shaking for about 15 mins, finally I took 2 valium and put on my music and started cleaning. Daniel's mom came over, I just stayed in the room even after I finished cleaning. Then they all left to go shopping. So long, thanks for letting me know where you were going and when you'd be back. I took one of Craig's cigarettes while they were gone and smoked it. Man, I miss smoking sometimes.

I studied a bit of anatomy, but I just don't feel like doing anything. I'm so fried right now, but I know I have to keep studying. All that's due is creeping up on me really fast, ah! So I'm going to pour myself another cup of coffee, and get back to it.