Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's better

So things are much better. I'm so dramatic about things! Daniel and I had a talk about things over Chipotle the other day, and he wasn't even aware I was mad about anything! LOL! Men don't really know much about women, do they? He's just frustrated with work... he told me that. He doesn't like the new account he's on, it's too easy. All he says he does all day is re-set people's passwords and customers are dumb about it. I can relate to that! People are pretty rude these days.

It's going to be a good week though, he gets a 4 day weekend for Thanksgiving, which is on Thursday. We are going to his sister's new place for dinner. We aren't going to my parent's house at all, and I'm ok with it. We were going to try to, but it's just so much driving and planning and stress. Because of that, though, we get to spend more time with my family for Christmas :) I'd rather than anyway. I always hate running around to the 3 different families (his parents are divorced, so we can't ever just have everyone over somewhere). They also live far apart, so that sucks.

I've been baking so much! I made white chocolate cookies and cream fudge and mudpies tonight. Tomorrow I'm making peanut butter brownies and oatmeal raising cookies. It's not all for myself, it's for work and Thanksgiving. Work is doing a black Friday meal thing where we all bring sides and the managers bring main dishes. Amy loves my baking so she asked if I could bring desserts. Of course I'm going overboard, haha.

I watched a documentary on juice fasts the other day on Netflix. Right afterwards I send my Mom a text asking for a juicer for Christmas, haha. This guy drank nothing but juice for 60 days and lost like 90lbs! It's supposed to be super healthy for you with all sorts of micronutrients in each drink and if you add kale, you can get quite a bit of protein! Maybe I can get Daniel to do it with me for a week or two, but I bet he won't make it, hahaha!

I had a dream when I was napping today that I had a little baby. I think it was a girl. Everyone on Daniel's side of the family wants me to have a girl because there are no girls on that side. His Mom even told me the last time she saw me that she had a dream I had a baby girl and she was so pretty with green eyes like me. Lots of people I know are having babies or are pregnant right now, so it's not an unusual dream. My news feed on Facebook is littered with baby pictures, lol. My cousin just had a baby 3 days ago, her 3rd boy. All her kids and her sisters kids names end with an "N" which makes it confusing! lol. There's Jackson, Owen, Rayden, Ethan and Ronin. My Mom said never to do that, so I told Daniel we can't have similar names for our kids. We already have a girl name picked out, which is weird because we both really like it and if no one takes it before we have a girl, we will probably use it. All my names are starting to be taken! We would name her Heidi... I don't think you could get more German than Heidi Hoffman, lol.

Back to watching Chelsea Lately! Nite :)

1 comment:

  1. mmmm you have to send me your recipe for mudpies! And that other dip thingy I commented on last year, on one of your pics, I can't remember what it was lol.

    A baby girl would be awesome! :) And Heidi is a great name!
